Exhibitiing flock project

The first exhibition of Flock Project collaboration took place in September 2019 at The Arthouse, Lewisham in a space that once housed the children’s department of Lewisham Library, a gift to the people from Andrew Carnegie.

Flock Project installation was conceived by artist Julie Nelson to reflect on the themes of migration, adaption and evolution. The exhibition was initially inspired by the collective, organic murmurations of Starlings as they group together before settling to roost. The clay birds were made by refugees who attend the Grounding Project*, Kennington and the supportive general public, who attended workshops at the V & A Museum.

Many themes surfaced as the project was underway. We discussed the ubiquitous Pigeon and its success as a species, whilst suffering it’s portrayal as a pest. How the Pigeon’s image differs to that of the Dove, despite being relatives. We looked at migration in nature, objects and culture. Many participants provided their own recollections from the homes they had been forced to move from.

Varied and wonderful interpretations of the ‘bird’ were given an opportunity to sit alongside each other and interrelate as one group.

*The Grounding Project is supported by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
